Peroneal Tendonitis

Peroneal tendonitis is a condition that affects the peroneal tendons, which run along the outside of the ankle and foot. It is often caused by overuse or injury and can result in pain, swelling, stiffness and even a tear in the affected area. Individuals who engage in physical activities involving repetitive ankle and foot stress, such as running, jumping, or dancing, may be at increased risk for developing peroneal tendonitis.

Symptoms of peroneal tendonitis may include pain and tenderness on the outside of the ankle or foot, swelling or warmth in the affected area, and difficulty walking or bearing weight on the affected foot. Treatment options for peroneal tendonitis may include rest, ice, compression, elevation (RICE), stretching exercises, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to manage pain and inflammation. We focus on reducing the load in the tendons. This is often assisted by the correct footwear and insoles and, at times, offloading with a moon boot.

In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to repair or remove damaged tissue. If you suspect you may be experiencing peroneal tendonitis, it is important to seek medical attention, as prompt diagnosis and treatment can help prevent long-term damage and improve your overall quality of life. Our team of podiatrists can work with you to develop a personalised treatment plan that meets your unique needs and helps you recover as quickly and safely as possible.

Peroneal Tendonitis